Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why I'm Really Busy

It's really been a while since I last blogged here. I've been really, really busy lately although I now work full-time at home.

There has been many twists and turns, ups and downs and the supposed plan to put up an outsourcing company with my online friends didn't materialize. We went our separate ways and focused on going freelance.

This is still one of my goals. I yearn to put up my own VA business and help other would-be virtual assistants improve their skills and get to know the wonderful world of this homebased business.

I managed to purchase a couple of VA trainings that I would need to finish and get certified on. This is really serious stuff as I would want to equip myself with the knowledge and skills I need to put up my own business. And hey, this is all came from my hard-earned money!

Anyway, hopefully I get to put up my own site really soon! I really can't wait to hit this target!

I'll hopefully blog more.. soon!

Oh one last thing... my son Celo is already attending summer pre-school! How time flies! and that is another reason for being uber busy! :P



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