Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Leo the Late Bloomer

Leo the Late Bloomer is a book that Celo took home today. While waiting for his turn in the barbershop, we read this together to pass the time.

This is a book by Robert Kraus, José Aruego (Illustrator)

Leo couldn't do anything right.
He couldn't read.
He couldn't write.
He couldn't draw.
He was a sloppy eater.
And he never said a word.

"What's the matter with Leo?" asked Leo's father.
"Nothing." said Leo's mother.
"Leo is just a late bloomer."
"Better late than never," thought Leo's father.

Every day Leo's father watched him for signs of blooming.
And every night Leo's father watched him for signs of blooming.

"Are you sure Leo's a bloomer?"asked Leo's father.
"Patience." said Leo's mother.
"A watched bloomer doesn't bloom."

So Leo's father watched television instead of Leo.

The snows came.
Leo's father wasn't watching.
But Leo still wasn't blooming.

The trees budded.
Leo's father wasn't watching.
But Leo still wasn't blooming.

Then one day, in his own good time, Leo bloomed!
He could read!
He could draw!
He ate neatly!
He also spoke.
And it wasn't just a word.
It was a whole sentence.
And that sentence was...

"I made it!"




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