I'm not a cook...
therefore I don't really cook nor does cooking likes me.
This is one of my waterloos.. cooking.
It maybe one of the reasons why Marts is complaining... I don't cook for him... and the fact that we love eating.
Since we broke up last time, I've realized I need to learn how to cook simple dishes... not just for me, not just for him but for little Celo.
I actually have learned quite a lot for such a novice like me. I always kid around that I could throw a children's party now because I can cook spaghetti, chicken and lumpia now. My kid loves it just as much because he eats them with gusto. Mind you he's a picky eater.
He doesn't eat rice with ulam. He just eats plain rice. He loves fruits like mangoes, apple and banana. I was laughing so hard the last time he ate a banana because he knows how to open it already. Mygahd, my kid is a grown boy already!
Anyway, I know cooking Adobo is easy. Easy for you to say... haha.. because for the longest time I've been trying to cook adobo for Marts and all I get are criticisms. He says it's "kulang sa iga," tastes like pork steak... tsk.. tsk..
Yesterday, we had nothing to eat for lunch in his apartment. I was bugging him what he likes to eat for lunch. I asked if he wants to eat adobo. He said that he cooks better adobo than I do. HA!
He was sleeping when I went to the nearby palengke. I was thinking of what to cook. Porkchop or adobo? I went for the adobo. I actually searched for the recipe online and just tweaked the recipe to what I bought. It says there that I need 1 1/2kilo of pork.. I just bought a half kilo. 1/3cup of vinegar and 3 tbsp of soy sauce. I remember an old friend telling me 1:2 ratio of soy sauce and vinegar. Anyway, when I was cooking.. I simply crushed the garlic using the knife and combined all the ingredients of pork, soy sauce, vinegar and pepper plus the bay leaf. I had it boiling till the "sauce" dried up and I added little water. When I think it was ready, I got another frying pan and put some oil and fried the pork then added the little sauce that's left from the boil. I even used the leftover rice and added the remaining sauce to make adobo rice. I still cooked plain rice because I was thinking that the rice would not be enough.
After cooking, I hurried upstairs and woke him up. I was so excited! I felt that this was my best ever adobo and he would like it. Indeed, he did! I was so happy! Maybe third time's a charm! hahaha... The half kilo of pork was "simot!" From the 2 cups of plain rice I cooked, there was very little that was left of it.
With this kind of reaction from him, it really makes me eager to learn how to cook. Whoopee!
Which reminds me again, I have to complete my requirements for the San Juan Manpower thingie. There are free classes held in our city hall for its residents to help them with their livelihood. I actually want to learn how to cook not really for making it as a business but for making my family eat well..hahhaa...
Now, before I end this blog I would just like to thank this blog... for the wonderful adobo recipe.. if it weren't for your recipe, I wouldn't have cooked it any better.. hahaha...
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